Beautiful Colorado, my home

Michael Antares Autobiography

Dedicated to my friends and family
Early 70's
1974, working on my beautiful BMW
Linda and I in Peru, 2000
Apollo 15 Astronaut Al Worden signing book for me, 2015
Linda, Ruby and I, recent

As I’m approaching 90 I’m increasingly conscious that 99.5% of the population is younger than I am! I’m in reasonably good health and could live for many more years, but if I died tomorrow no one would say, “it’s too bad, he died at such a young age”! 

My life has been a full one with lots of ups and downs and there are actions I took that I regret strongly but, on whole it has been a good one.

I’ve decided to divide my life experiences into three categories: my personal life, my professional one and, finally an adventure that pushed all my boundaries. You can select each of them by clicking on the appropriate buttons. In addition you can contact me via the contact page or by sending an email to

Note that some pictures are clickable